Frequently asked questions

Does a free trial include all features that the demo version has?
Yes, you get access to all features but some of them have a few limitations. Limits are set for Reverse ASIN and Keywords Research tools. Once your first payment is complete all features will become available.
Which Marketplaces do you support?

Tracking keywords and Monitoring tools support 14 Amazon Marketplaces:
-USA, Canada, Mexico
-Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, France
-UAE, Turkey, India, Japan, Australia

Keyword research, Reverse ASIN and Autoprice tools support 7 Amazon Marketplaces:
-USA, Canada
-Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, France

How reliable and accurate is Azometer?

Azometer have been created as a private tool for successful Amazon Sellers who have been doing business on Amazon since 2016 and deeply understand the specifics of the market.

We use it for ourself and continuously improve the most accurate and knowledgeable results possible.

Thus, data is as accurate as it can possibly be to make profits.

How often is data refreshed?
Search rankings are updated twice a day, other data is updated frequently throughout the day.
What type of payments do you accept?
You can pay for your Azometer on subscription with a credit / debit card or Payoneer.
Does Azometer forward my data to third parties? Is my data safe?

Absolutely. Your information is kept completely secure and is never shared with anyone.

You always remain in complete control of your business and your Seller Central account.

For more details you can read in our Privacy Policy

What support is available?
Our professional support team is always here to assist you..
If you have any questions or issues, contact us via email at [email protected] or via our in-app support chat.
What is your refund policy?
Refund is available for last payment, refunds for previous charges are not available. We only accept cancellation requests via email.
Email us at [email protected]
What if I need more information before signing up?

Sign up for a FREE trial and take it for a test drive.

At the Help Center section, you may get all the needed answers.

If you still have more questions - email us anytime or use in-app support chat.

Do you have an affiliate program?

Yes, we do! We are interested in a long-term partnership..

For more details, you can visit or write us an email on [email protected]